A Better, Stronger Epoxy Floor Alternative


Garage Force of Boise Owners


Philip and Laura love garages.

They purchased their last home specifically for the garage. Like most people, their first experience with concrete coatings included a DIY kit that failed in 2 days.

Your garage deserves better. This is your space to create, fix, build, and store your outdoor toys or have a hobby shop.

With 10 years of combined experience in project management and marketing, Philip and Laura were ready to step out on their own. Garage Force of Boise is thrilled to provide excellent customer service and detail-oriented installation.

Let us create your dream garage!


We proudly serve the Greater Boise area. Contact our team today for a quote or more information!

The benefits of a polyurea floor coating put traditional epoxy floors to shame. Not only are they higher-quality, more durable and way more damage-resistant, but polyurea floors also cure in a fraction of the time it takes an epoxy floor to cure.

We’ve spent years researching the benefits of polyurea technology, and today your local Garage Force expert is proud to offer this service to in your area. Our franchisees install our superior polyurea garage floor coating in over 3 dozen colors, helping you completely transform your garage.

Only polyurea floor-coating technology offers a granite-like look and durability that can be installed in just one day.

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